The roofing prototype for the Cittadella del Carnevale di Viareggio is a collective work, called CO.MO.VA, started in 2018 and carried out with several partners from the fields of architecture, engineering and design. The overall objective of the project was the creation of a modular prototype concept for covering large open spaces equipped with integrated flexible photovoltaic technology. The product that the team developed, in a prototype version during the project, but with a view to future production on an industrial scale, combines multiple needs from which the interest in covering areas bordered by pre-existing buildings of significant size generally arises.

Based on four cardinal points – modular structure, innovation of materials, sustainability and reuse, energy and self-sufficiency – the final result of this project is a prototype of a modular and versatile roof, made of carbon, which in its concept aims to unite the world of boating with that of Carnival. An idea that in the future can be adapted to other contexts, regardless of the size of the space to be covered, and that will allow the Cittadella square to be used as a centre for art and entertainment all year round.


Regione Toscana
Direzione Attività produttive
Settore Politiche di sostegno alle imprese, per il tramite dell’Organismo intermedio Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A.

Estremi atto di assegnazione: Decreto Dirigenziale n. 11301 del 29 giugno 2018
Oggetto dell’atto: POR FESR 2014-2020 – azione 1.1.5 sub-azione a1 DD7429/2017 Bando2 “Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo delle MPMI” Approvazione graduatoria generale rettificata e scorrimento integrale della medesima

Iniziativa/attività finanziata:

Progetto COMOVA Domanda CUP 7429.31052017.113000174

Importi liquidati:

Euro 81.313,23 in data 05/04/2019 per il 1°SAL

Euro 69.806,70 in data 28/02/2020 per il 2°SAL

Euro 79.866,16 in data 06/07/2021 per il SALDO


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